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Introduction to RSS Feeds

We use the RSS format to publish content on our site that changes regularly - for example, news, blog posts and product updates - to enable users to retrieve updates to this content quickly and easily, without having to register for a newsletter or visit the site on a daily basis.

How do I read an RSS feed?

An RSS feed does not look like a normal webpage when viewed in your web browser. Using an RSS feed reader program will enable you to fetch the RSS feed from this site and display it in a readable format. Some readers will integrate with your email client, and some are web-based feed readers - some of these include:

  • Amphetadesk (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • FeedReader (Windows)
  • NewsGator (Windows only, integrates with Microsoft Outlook)
  • My Yahoo (Web browser based)
  • Bloglines (Web browser based)

When you have selected your feed reader, you can then copy the RSS feed link from our site and add this to the reader's list of feeds to check.


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